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  /    /  Bench  /  Sole 90 - 52101
Panca Sole 52102 TP22 Tabacco & TP33 Chocolat

Sole 90 - 52101

SKU: 52101 Category:


INOX 316 stainless steel base

Upholstered seat cover

Tessil TP33 Chocolat

Upholstered backrest cover

Tessil TP22 Tabacco

Seat cover

Tessil TP33 Chocolat

Backrest cover

Tessil TP22 Tabacco


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    Sole bench is a model handmade in Italy by ANTIGA, ideal for outdoor and indoor furnishings of hotels, bars, restaurants and ice cream parlours.
    Characterized by a unique and original design, this bench is comfortable and practical, thanks to its upholstered seat and back suitable for outdoor. If placed in a modular way it acts as a delimiter for refined and stylish settings.
    Sole bench is made of a strong and non-deformable crafted frame, covered with a special technical fabric called Tessil, which is resistant to tearing, stress and is easy to clean.
    The 316 stainless steel base of Sole bench is supplied with brackets for fixing the bench to the ground to prevent theft. The bench is also equipped with adjustable gliders that can be adapted to any irregular surface.
    ANTIGA guarantees all its products up to 24 months against any manufacturing defect!


    Length 60cm
    Width 90cm
    Backrest height 87cm
    Seat height 46cm

    Weight: 23.30kg